Saturday, July 8th "What's Cookin'?" | The Gardener's Shed (2024)

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Saturday, July 8th "What's Cookin'?" | The Gardener's Shed (6)

Community Cook for TOH

Posts: 4,323Saturday, July 8th "What's Cookin'?" | The Gardener's Shed (7)

Saturday, July 8th "What's Cookin'?"Jul 8, 2023 3:13:07 GMT -5

Post by annrms on Jul 8, 2023 3:13:07 GMT -5

Good morning! It's a warm 'un. Can't complain since we have AC. Weather is supposed to get cooler with less humidity today.
Lunch yesterday was good especially seeing our niece who is expecting in December. She and her husband live in Littleton, CO and got a lot of storm damage from a system that passed through. Her huge vegetable raised gardens were destroyed, and they need a new roof. What's scary to me about that is that they were visiting here when the storm hit, and they had to rely on neighbors to batten down.
Supper tonight is going to be Valerie Bertinelli's 'No-Boil Shrimp Boil' done on a cookie sheet in the oven.
Elza - Save travels; enjoy your trip! You are visiting most of the places Bill & I did on our visit decades ago.
I will return to chat later. Waving!

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Saturday, July 8th "What's Cookin'?" | The Gardener's Shed (14)

Posts: 7,309Saturday, July 8th "What's Cookin'?" | The Gardener's Shed (15)

Saturday, July 8th "What's Cookin'?"Jul 8, 2023 6:07:38 GMT -5

Post by cfniervt on Jul 8, 2023 6:07:38 GMT -5

Good morning friends.

Ann- There was lots of storm damage around VT yesterday. Road closures due to mudslides. So sorry your niece suffered the damage. It is good that you got to isit with her and DSIL.

Elza~ Safe travels and hope you have a blast!


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Saturday, July 8th "What's Cookin'?" | The Gardener's Shed (23)

East Ontario Z 5B

Posts: 12,004Saturday, July 8th "What's Cookin'?" | The Gardener's Shed (24)

Saturday, July 8th "What's Cookin'?"Jul 8, 2023 6:18:01 GMT -5

Post by tasty on Jul 8, 2023 6:18:01 GMT -5

Good morning all. Looks like the worst ofthe heat is done - yeah! 57 at 7am and it's lovely sitting by the open patio door. We'll be mid 70s later and feel like low 80s - much nicer.
Have some baking to do this morning ready for tomorrow's market. I'll do that while hubby is at the gym. This afternoon we have a trip to the mainland to bottle some wine. Supper will be something using l/o rotisserie chicken from the other day. The sheets are already in the dryer and I'll get the bed made up in a few minutes.
As Annsaid, safe travels Elza. Look forward to hearing about your trip.
Happy Saturday 🙂.

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Saturday, July 8th "What's Cookin'?" | The Gardener's Shed (32)

NY Zone 5a

Posts: 10,080Saturday, July 8th "What's Cookin'?" | The Gardener's Shed (33)

Saturday, July 8th "What's Cookin'?"Jul 8, 2023 6:35:33 GMT -5

Post by nybirder on Jul 8, 2023 6:35:33 GMT -5

Good morning. We are cooler here, as well. I've turned off the AC and am enjoying some "real" air for today.

Elza--wishes for a safe trip and a wonderful time. Looking forward to hearing all about it, too.

Ann--so sorry to hear about the damage to your niece's home and garden. I'm developing a healthy respect for that big hail after seeing some video encounters with it. I hope she can salvage some of the garden.

Chris--I saw the radar last night and wondered if you folks were getting slammed again. What's ironic is all of these strong storms look like they are headed for us and then veer off to the east--toward you folks. We've barely had more than a few drops. At this rate, we'll be needing more rain soon.

Bet--hoping today goes well.

I need breakfast. Have a good morning. Talk later.


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Saturday, July 8th "What's Cookin'?" | The Gardener's Shed (41)

Schroon Lake, NY in heart of Adirondack Mountains zone 4

Posts: 15,808

Saturday, July 8th "What's Cookin'?"Jul 8, 2023 6:40:10 GMT -5

Post by wilderness on Jul 8, 2023 6:40:10 GMT -5

Good morning. It is 66°this morning and to be in the 80's again today. Not much sun however. We got close to a 1/4" of rain again last night. I hope it dries out today before we get Tshowers again tonight. I need to mow. the list is endless what I have to do so it will be a busy day.

Ann, nice you had a chance to catch up with family yesterday over lunch. Too bad about the damage to their house.

Elza, have a safe and wonderful trip. We enjoyed the area we got to tour while there. Our DGD who was then 8 was with us. We took her to the Cadbury Chocolate Factory that was fun. Did a walking tour of London with a young girl we met in Birmingham so at least saw the places even if we didn't actually visit them.

Tasty, have fun bottling your wine today. Hope you have good weather for the market tomorrow.

Tammy, DH will sure be busy smoking butts. You will be busy cooking again for others again this weekend.

Chris, didn't realize you folks got hit that hard. It seems we have had the rain but nothing severe right here. Wednesday early evening just south of me got bad storms.

I checked and Mamma was on last evening.

Time to get busy if I expect to get anything done today.

Have a great day.


Saturday, July 8th "What's Cookin'?" | The Gardener's Shed (42)

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Saturday, July 8th "What's Cookin'?" | The Gardener's Shed (48)

Posts: 3,299Saturday, July 8th "What's Cookin'?" | The Gardener's Shed (49)

Saturday, July 8th "What's Cookin'?"Jul 8, 2023 7:12:37 GMT -5

Post by marjo on Jul 8, 2023 7:12:37 GMT -5

We are up early here!! We can't have it any other way!! Lily is fed and has been following me around the house. She will get tired soon!

Anxious to see my youngest and her hubby. Her hubby takes good care of her which I am thankful for. The time will go fast. We are going out to eat so I can visit with them and not have to do dishes and cooking. I did bake a rhubarb/strawberry pie so will have that with ice cream before they go home.

Elza and DH have a wonderful trip will be interesting to hear about your travels when you get back home.

It is a little foggy this morning. My big window in living room likes to fog over too. I reworked all the lights on west side of the house and have 2 lights still not working so more work to do.

Everyone have a good day!


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Saturday, July 8th "What's Cookin'?" | The Gardener's Shed (55)

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Saturday, July 8th "What's Cookin'?"Jul 8, 2023 7:53:22 GMT -5

Post by tamaralynn on Jul 8, 2023 7:53:22 GMT -5

Marlene, enjoy your company.
Elza, praying for safe travels. Enjoy every minute.
Must go to work now. Have an awesome day friends!

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Saturday, July 8th "What's Cookin'?" | The Gardener's Shed (63)

Posts: 6,357Saturday, July 8th "What's Cookin'?" | The Gardener's Shed (64)

Saturday, July 8th "What's Cookin'?"Jul 8, 2023 8:04:15 GMT -5

Post by cooktocook on Jul 8, 2023 8:04:15 GMT -5

Elza, said some prayers that you'll be having the most wonderful of times with your DH and DS#2! Enjoy it all!! Looking forward to hearing of your travels upon your return!

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Saturday, July 8th "What's Cookin'?" | The Gardener's Shed (70)

South Carolina

Posts: 3,937Saturday, July 8th "What's Cookin'?" | The Gardener's Shed (71)

Saturday, July 8th "What's Cookin'?"Jul 8, 2023 8:15:19 GMT -5

Post by emr on Jul 8, 2023 8:15:19 GMT -5

Thanks, y'all -- I appreciate the prayers and good wishes for safe travel!

Off to do some last minute cleaning and laundry --

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Saturday, July 8th "What's Cookin'?" | The Gardener's Shed (79)

Schroon Lake, NY in heart of Adirondack Mountains zone 4

Posts: 15,808

Saturday, July 8th "What's Cookin'?"Jul 8, 2023 8:28:29 GMT -5

Post by wilderness on Jul 8, 2023 8:28:29 GMT -5

Birdy, it is still humid here and is getting warmer. No breeze at all. I needed a good laugh with your cartoon yesterday.

Marlene, enjoy your time today with your DD and her DH. May it be lots of laughs and joy.


Saturday, July 8th "What's Cookin'?" | The Gardener's Shed (80)

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Saturday, July 8th "What's Cookin'?" | The Gardener's Shed (88)

East Ontario Z 5B

Posts: 12,004Saturday, July 8th "What's Cookin'?" | The Gardener's Shed (89)

Saturday, July 8th "What's Cookin'?"Jul 8, 2023 8:35:32 GMT -5

Post by tasty on Jul 8, 2023 8:35:32 GMT -5

I know you will be happy to see Kris and her hubby, Marlene. Sometimes we moms just need to see ourkidswith our own eyes. Gladshe has a hubby who really is looking after her. Hugs to you all.

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Saturday, July 8th "What's Cookin'?" | The Gardener's Shed (97)

NY Zone 5a

Posts: 10,080Saturday, July 8th "What's Cookin'?" | The Gardener's Shed (98)

Saturday, July 8th "What's Cookin'?"Jul 8, 2023 8:45:21 GMT -5

Post by nybirder on Jul 8, 2023 8:45:21 GMT -5

Bet--I'm glad you got a chuckle out of that cartoon--gotta love Gary Larson. I still miss his daily humor.

Looks like we have a brief break today before things start up bigtime for the Boilermaker 15K tomorrow. With 10,000 runners and another 10-20,000 of their closest friends at the Post race party afterwards, they are worried about possible storms coming in later in the morning and afternoon. In all the years that I have been following this race, 45 I think, we have had rain only once and that was showers. So this is unusual. They will run the race if it is raining but we'll call a time out if there's lightning, but I don't think they're enthusiastic about having to do it. The post race party is on the grounds of the Utica Club Brewery which has gallons and gallons of beer on tap. The runners get a free pass for a glass of beer. It's a group that doesn't abuse alcohol so we have very few problems after this huge party.

I don't know if anyone saw the news about the runner at the Peachtree race last week, but the lead runner in the women's division accidentally followed a press truck instead of staying on the course and it took her off just long enough for her to lose first place. A lot of the Peachtree runners are in the boilermaker. We apparently had someone do this several years ago on our race; they apparently recovered quickly enough not to lose their standing.

Our elite runners, many of them from Kenya and Ethiopia, often use this race as a warm up for the Olympics. Will be seeing a number of them this year as well. We have the second largest wheelchair division--over 50--in the race in the US this year. Our race early on was one of the few that had wheelchairs, even before there was something called a racing wheelchair. This has developed a lot and one of our local people is actually qualified for the Para Olympics this year in the wheelchair division. They have a special program where they will award a free custom made racing chair ($3,000) to any one who can finish the race in a standard chair in less than two hours 15 minutes. We have one man trying it this year who unfortunately injured himself early on last year and lost out on it. Everyone knows who this person is and they stand there and cheer them on.

The unique thing about this race is that it is lined 100 per cent of all 15K with spectators and lots of cheers. Elite runners and very experienced amateurs have commented every year about how unique this race is. It is a real community point of pride. So lots of people have family and visiting from all over and are planning cookouts and picnics. So keep your fingers crossed that we don't get rained on.

Time to do some puttering around. Have a good day.


Last Edit: Jul 8, 2023 8:49:15 GMT -5 by nybirder

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Saturday, July 8th "What's Cookin'?" | The Gardener's Shed (105)

Posts: 7,309Saturday, July 8th "What's Cookin'?" | The Gardener's Shed (106)

Saturday, July 8th "What's Cookin'?"Jul 8, 2023 8:46:00 GMT -5

Post by cfniervt on Jul 8, 2023 8:46:00 GMT -5

Marlene- Enjoy every minute with your DD and her DH! Good to hear he is taking such good care of her!


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Saturday, July 8th "What's Cookin'?" | The Gardener's Shed (114)

NY Zone 5a

Posts: 10,080Saturday, July 8th "What's Cookin'?" | The Gardener's Shed (115)

Saturday, July 8th "What's Cookin'?"Jul 8, 2023 8:51:04 GMT -5

Post by nybirder on Jul 8, 2023 8:51:04 GMT -5

Marlene, I'm glad to hear that you're going to be able to enjoy time with your family today. Have a good one.


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Saturday, July 8th "What's Cookin'?" | The Gardener's Shed (121)

Posts: 3,299Saturday, July 8th "What's Cookin'?" | The Gardener's Shed (122)

Saturday, July 8th "What's Cookin'?"Jul 8, 2023 9:12:07 GMT -5

Post by marjo on Jul 8, 2023 9:12:07 GMT -5

Thank you everyone. It will be a great day!! Just want to hug her tight!!

Just had momma and set of twins in my yard and was a little buck with them also. Been having two to three bucks here daily.

Went out and picked up unopened pine cones! Also straightened up the wren houses on a pole and the finch feeder pole. The wind was pretty strong with the .30 of rain we got. Sure would like more rain guess take what we get!


Saturday, July 8th "What's Cookin'?" | The Gardener's Shed (2024)
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