5 Meals for $50! - Recipes That Crock! (2024)

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By Aunt Lou 3 Comments

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Do you love getting the most for your money? So do I! That is why I was happy to accept Indiana Family of Farmers‘ $50 Challenge for April and write a sponsored post to tell ya’ll about it. What exactly is a $50 Challenge? You take $50 and see how many meals you can make out of it! Count me in!

5 Meals for $50! - Recipes That Crock! (1)

5 Meals for $50! - Recipes That Crock! (2)

Aunt Lou here.

I made up 7 Meals for $50 last month. While this month, I have 5 Meals for $50…minus a couple dollars and some change, the recipes still produce a whopping 44 servings! Now, that is some bang for your buck…an average of less than $1.13 per serving to be exact!

5 Meals for $50! - Recipes That Crock! (3)

5 Meals for $50! - Recipes That Crock! (4)

5 Meals for $50

Before we get to this month’s recipe, let’s talk about how I got so many servings with only $50!

First, I bought enough chicken to make 3 different recipes that have a total of 28 servings for only $8.15! Then I bought a pork loin for some good ol’ pulled pork sandwiches. It was $7.98 and had 12 very hearty servings. And I wrapped my meal plan up with one of my favorite, quick and easy stovetop recipes.

Now on to the recipes…

First up is this yummy Crock Pot One-Pot Chicken Casserole with some yummy rolls!

5 Meals for $50! - Recipes That Crock! (6)

I paired this awesome Crock Pot Cheesy Chicken Rice Casserole with some salad and corn.

5 Meals for $50! - Recipes That Crock! (7)

5 Meals for $50! - Recipes That Crock! (8)

This Crock Pot Baked Cheesy Chicken Penne (RECIPE COMING SOON) was an instant favorite in my house, my kiddos gobbled it right up!

5 Meals for $50! - Recipes That Crock! (9)

It goes perfectly with my favorite garlic bread recipe.

5 Meals for $50! - Recipes That Crock! (10)

5 Meals for $50! - Recipes That Crock! (11)

These Crock Pot Root Beer BBQ Pork Hoagies went great with some good ol’ fashioned baked beans!

5 Meals for $50! - Recipes That Crock! (12)

5 Meals for $50! - Recipes That Crock! (13)

And last, but most definitely not least is one of my long-standing favorites, Cheesy Sausage Egg Skilletwith some hot-from-the-oven biscuits! Yum!

5 Meals for $50! - Recipes That Crock! (14)

5 Meals for $50! - Recipes That Crock! (15)

So just how many meals do you think you can make up for $50? Give it a try and let me know! You might be surprised! With a little planning, you can really stretch your grocery dollar!

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Aunt Lou

I'm wife to Michael (not Mikey 😉 ) and mom to Mr. Ryder and Miss Iyla. I'm just walking through this life step by step focusing on enjoying the little things in life. I am in awe of the many blessings big and small I receive daily from a pretty amazing God who calls me His own. Sometimes life is crazy and messy, but I am loving every minute of it.

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  • Crock Pot Beefy Angel Casserole for Two - March 12, 2024

Previous Post: « Crock Pot One-Pot Chicken Casserole

Next Post: Crock Pot Root Beer BBQ Pork Hoagies »

Reader Interactions


  1. 5 Meals for $50! - Recipes That Crock! (18)Kathy C says

    We are getting ready for retirement the end of May so I think I may need to look into this. My hubby put me on a budget already for food. Money will be tight but I think we can do it with some planning like you said.


    • 5 Meals for $50! - Recipes That Crock! (19)Aunt Lou says

      Hi Kathy!

      You can definitely do it! Be sure and watch for sales and don’t be afraid to pull a “Micheal” and ask to talk to a manager if you see meat on sale that expires the day you are in the store. You can get amazing deals! I have another post that has 7 Meals for Less Than $50 at the link below and will have similar posts in the coming months! Good luck and enjoy!


      Aunt Lou


  1. […] Whether it is a rough week, you aren’t feeling good or you have just been running yourself ragged, there are times when you just want some make-me-feel-like-I’m-back-at-momma’s-house food. I was having one of those weeks and was so glad that this Crock Pot Cheesy Chicken Rice Casserole was on my list for my $50 Challenge for April (read more about it here). […]


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5 Meals for $50! - Recipes That Crock! (2024)
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